January 2, 2014 Our Principal again was asked to contribute to the success of the Nevada Future City Competition for the 2013-2014 middle school year as a Lead Future City Competition Judge. The annual event will occur on Saturday January 18th, 2014 at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy. The competition’s is described within program materials as: “The Future City Competition is […]

LEED Platinum Lower Colorado Regional Office Green Building
LEED Platinum U.S. Bureau of Reclamation LCROGB Location: Boulder City, Nevada Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Architect: Tate, Snyder, Kimsey Architects Contractor: Whiting Turner Sustainability Consultant: Daniel Huard, Humann Building Solutions Size: 49,818 sq. ft. The two story Office Building designed by Tate Snyder Kimsey Architects for the Bureau of Reclamation serving the Lower Colorado region draws on stylistic precedents from the historic buildings of the […]