Carbon Credit Considerations
Our team continues to share our ‘Reality Check regarding Carbon Credits’ training for those seeking to know the truth.
Learn the key differentiators between Credit types and how these initiatives contribute to make positive environmental impacts. Learn of the necessary changes to the minimum required documentation and how to make intelligent and informed decisions in your Carbon Credit purchases and as well in your organizational alignment with credible, ethical, recognized practices.
Here is an excerpt of the introduction to a series of trainings respective to Carbon from our affiliated entity MDH Evolution and Carbon Credit vertical Global Green Institute.
Carbon Credit Realities
Reality Check regarding Carbon Credits from founder Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow!
“We are in a need for an authentic ‘Reality Check’ regarding Carbon Credits. The sad truth is we have so many entities out there marketing inexistent Carbon Credits” Huard provides. He continues “The ability exists for Carbon Credit authenticity, we have developed the needed credible methodology to validate, determining and considering real impacts, and assessing the ability to make positive environmental impacts while mitigating GHG Emissions“.
Unlike the plethora of Voluntary Credit promoting entities, Global Green Institute (GGI) works to establish regulatory-compliance Carbon Credits utilizing their developed Investment Grade Documentation and Validation Techniques to truly determine the ROI and IRR of the three major categorical types of Carbon Credits and all six impacting Greenhouse Gasses. For clarification we concur that Carbon Credits can be developed from nature based solutions (our historical precedent) or technology based solutions. Additionally we as well look to Environmental Emissions and Environmental Degradation most obviously initiated via Air Pollution as the reason to place a cost/price on those impacts which Carbon Credits serve to reduce, mitigate and offset.
A Simplified Cap & Trade Process
The simplified Carbon Credit exchange process is illustrated in the image at the right. Within this image, the facility on the left exceeds its requisite Allocated GHG Emissions Units threshold Cap, the facility on the right in the image has GHG Emissions that are below its requisite threshold Cap. In a very simple scenario if the facility on the right has enough additional threshold below its Cap they could provide that measure to the facility on the right so that it becomes compliant with its threshold Cap. The central circle with within the graphic indicates Carbon Market aligning to a more realistic location where Offset Credits are made available for purchase via sales by mutual agreement or via auctions in several jurisdictions globally.

Although the public perception focus is on Carbon Dioxide (CO2) there are six (6) major GHG Emissions which we seek to minimize and as well mitigate.
… To Learn More or explore training please visit our affiliated entities MDH Evolution and Carbon Credit vertical Global Green Institute Contact us to start your training and develop your strategy for offsetting, abatement, Carbon Credit accrual documentation, Compliance Grade Carbon Credit maturation validation, sales, purchases, and retirement for fulfill offsetting obligations.
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