Humann Providing WELL Health-Safety Rating Certifications. Humann Principal Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, WELL Faculty provides that during his tenure with the International WELL Building Institute’s ‘Task Force on COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections: Prevention and Preparedness, Resilience and Recovery’ the WELL Health-Safety Rating Program was developed. “I was very honored to be able to contribute to the monumental body […]
Huard Selected to IWBI COVID-19 Task Force
Huard Selected to IWBI COVID-19 Task Force! Humann Building Solutions, LLC Principal Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, WELL Faculty shares the honor to be selected to participate within the International WELL Building Institute’s Task Force. Huard stated “I am truly honored that many of my long term green building, sustainability, resiliency and wellness colleagues in leadership and executive positions consider me […]
Huard Brings WELL to the-EnergyEXPO
Humann Principal, WELL AP and WELL Faculty Member Daniel A. Huard Brings WELL to the-EnergyEXPO, Huard will be leading and Facilitating his full day workshop which is a definitive introduction to WELL. Huard provided “Participants will build on introductory topics, such as the organization and development of the WELL Building Standard, to intermediate topics, which outline key processes within WELL […]

Humann Building Solutions again represents on the USGBC LEED WE TAG for 2017
Daniel Huard Site Founding Principal of Humann Building Solutions has again been seated on the USGBC LEED TAG (Water Efficiency Technical Advisory Group) for 2017. Huard first served the group in 2016 when he was initially initially selected by the USGBC Board of Directors to represent and contribute. Huard has maintained an active role in the organization and is very respected […]

Humann embraces the WELL Building Standard
Humann Building Solutions, LLC has embraced the WELL Building Standards as most readers of our blog already know we at Humann Inc are attuned with all aspects of improving the Built Environment. The WELL Building Standard is the first building standard to focus exclusively on the health and wellness of the people in buildings. WELL is an evidence and performance-based system […]

Humann Buildings Solutions represented on USGBC LEED TAG 2016
Daniel Huard Founding Principal of Humann Building Solutions has been seated on the USGBC LEED TAG (Water Efficiency Technical Advisory Group). Huard has been selected by the USGBC Board of Directors to represent and contribute. Huard has maintained an active role in USGBC for many years and is very respected for his contributions including contributing to the LEED v4 Rating Systems development […]

USGBC WRC Leaders visit NetZero Energy LEED Platinum Home
April 25, 2015 at Las Vegas Springs Preserve, USGBC Western Regional Council Leaders were able to visit the NetZero Energy LEED Platinum Home DesertSol as part of a personalized tour. Daniel Huard, USGBC Nevada Past President and current USGBC Western Regional Council delegate provides “I had the honor of providing a personal guided tour of the Las Vegas Springs Preserve for […]