Humann Building Solutions, LLC wishes one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season. There are several Organizations that we need to recognize this year for their contributions to a more equitable and sustainable world: Greenview Global again stepped forward as a major differentiator in the green building and advocacy world. Their principals are determined to make a […]
Humann Building Solutions Principal Recognized
Today at the Desert Green Awards Luncheon Humann Building Solutions Principal Daniel Huard was recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects – Nevada Chapter. Annually the American Society of Landscape Architects Nevada Chapter presents an “Award of Appreciation for Outstanding Contribution to Landscape Architecture and the Green Industry in Southern Nevada”. In the description of why Daniel Huard, Humann Building […]

It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s Super DesertSol
It’s Super DesertSol! Have you ever seen a flying house? We admit it is a rare occurrence to see a house or in this case one of two modules of DesertSol being moved by crane onto the constructed foundation site for positioning onto its final home as part of the Campus at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve. Well it was […]
Humann Principal again a Future City Competition Judge
January 2, 2014 Our Principal again was asked to contribute to the success of the Nevada Future City Competition for the 2013-2014 middle school year as a Lead Future City Competition Judge. The annual event will occur on Saturday January 18th, 2014 at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy. The competition’s is described within program materials as: “The Future City Competition is […]