LEED Green Associate Credential Training Collaboration with USGBC Nevada
USGBC Nevada’s Education Committee asked Daniel Huard past USGBC Nevada Chapter President and Principal of Humann Building Solutions to assist with the facilitation of a Spring 2015 training program to prepare over 20 chapter members to sit for their LEED Green Associate Credential Examination. Daniel Huard facilitates training often as an active Green Building Expert for over 25 years, with an ongoing commitment to mentoring, service and leadership provided his expertise and time as a Donation in Kind to make this training initiative a reality for the benefit of the USGBC Nevada Chapter.
Daniel Huard past Chapter President and Principal of Humann Building Solutions have a long history of facilitating Leadership Development, Sustainability, Management, Green Building and LEED Credential trainings. Principal Daniel Huard recommended facilitated scheduled sessions to provide training and as well acted as resource for questions and answer periods for more than 20 persons seeking to earn their LEED Green Associate Credential. The training sessions hosted by USGBC Nevada’s Education Committee occurred at the InNEVation Center, 6795 Edmond St, Las Vegas, NV 89118
Humann Building Solutions Principal Daniel Huard assisted in the development of LEED v4 and is an Internationally known Authority in the application of the new LEED v4 Standards provided “The development of LEED v4 takes a systems thinking approach and emphasizes the connections within a building in order to improve overall performance”. In order not to overwhelm the students of these trainings the materials prepared align with the suggestions for success on the Green Associate Credential Exam document published by USGBC and available on usgbc.org. The presentations were specifically based on the LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction Reference Guide text specifications and references.
USGBC and the GBCI provide that the exam questions reflect Task Domains and Knowledge Domains.
Daniel Huard provided, although our firm is very busy currently with our client commitments we wanted to ensure that this training initiative was a success. Other training entities provided quotations of between $4,000 and $10,000 not including materials to facilitate in-person training presentations for 20 students. We at Humann Building Solutions knew that this expense would be prohibitive, difficult to attain and affect the USGBC Nevada’s abilities to provide other educational opportunities in 2015. When asked his thoughts Daniel Huard provided “I have personally made a commitment provided training which enables the successful exposure to Green Building, Wellness and Leadership knowledge here in the State of Nevada as well as Globally. This donation in kind to USGBC Nevada is indicative of our commitment to continuing to be the premier provider of exemplary training for LEED here in Nevada.” Humann service offerings as well include training and facilitation for Living Building Challenge and WELL Building Standard certifications in addition to LEED and as well include Leadership Development, Sustainability, Management and Green Building practices education and training.”
# Daniel Huard has been an active Green Building Expert for over 25 years, with an ongoing commitment to mentoring, service and leadership contributing to National Fenestration Rating Council as their 2017 and 2018 Board of Directors Vice Chair and Governance Chair, IWBI, ASHRAE, Association of Energy Engineers, USGBC’s LEED Technical Committee, USGBC Water Efficiency Technical Advisory Group as their 2018 Committee Chair, former – USGBC Western Regional Council Chairperson, USGBC Nevada President, and as well founded the Las Vegas Valley Living Building Challenge Collaborative serving as Nevada’s ILFI Ambassador. Daniel as well currently serves the U.S. DOE contributing to their Building Envelope Tech Team and has served as Technical Subject Matter Expert to the US Department of the Interior since 2009. As a former League of Indian Nations of North America Ambassador to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Daniel focused on international sustainability programs, social and educational programs and native rights recognition and advocacy.
Copyright ©2014 D.A. Huard, Copyright ©2014, 2018 Humann Building Solutions, LLC.